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School Safety

Protocols for Parents on Campus

Please abide by our policies for the safety of all students
Parents are allowed on our campus but must abide by the following rules:

  • When dropping off your child you can stay with them within the assembly courtyard area
  • Adults cannot play with children on the playground
  • All adults must leave campus when the 8:00 a.m. bell rings.  Even if your child is Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade, you must exit the campus at 8:00 a.m. as our gates will be locked at 8:10 a.m.
  • If you are volunteering in your child's classroom, you must sign into the office (even if you have a badge)
  • Volunteer paperwork must be on file in order to volunteer

We appreciate your consideration in respecting these rules.  Understandably, it is for the safety of all our students here at Rosecrans.

Dropping Off and Picking Up Students

Please exercise caution when dropping off or retrieving children. If children are dropped off across the street from school, please make sure that they use the crosswalk. Moving cars and district trucks pose a safety hazard for students exiting cars. Students who walk to school should come directly to school. Stopping by local stores is not safe and should be discouraged. Students are not allowed on campus prior to 7:30 a.m. There is no supervision provided until 7:30 a.m.

Students should leave the campus immediately upon dismissal. Remaining to play after school (with no adult supervision) is strongly discouraged. Students who walk home from school are encouraged to walk with other students and not alone. Students who have not been picked up by a parent when the teacher goes off-duty will be escorted to the office to wait. Students attending after school programs or clubs are expected to leave the campus as soon as they are dismissed. Students who attend the after-school activities must follow the same playground and equipment rules that are in force during school hours.

Emergency Contact

Please be sure your Emergency Contact is listed on Aeries!

What is an Emergency Contact?

An Emergency Contact is someone who can pick your student up from school if you are unable.  This can be grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, whoever the parent designates.  The school will not release children if the adult is not listed on Aeries.

How to do this?

By submitting a current annual update form or by simply making an appointment with the office.

You may add as many emergency contacts as you wish.  If you have someone picking up your student at the last minute, you can add them too!

Please contact the Rosecrans Office, if you have any questions.